Hibernate – ORM Overview JPA Model – Difference Between ORM and JDBC

Your relational data. Objectively. - Hibernate ORM
Hibernate ORM

Hibernate ORM

  • it is a framework which works on the basic of ORM tool.

Hibernate ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) is a powerful and widely-used Java-based framework for simplifying database access and management in Java applications. It provides a way to map Java objects to database tables, allowing developers to work with objects in their code while the framework handles the underlying database operations.

ORM  :- Object Relation Mapping 

Java Object    <——-[ Relational Mapping ]——–>   Database

  • Here hibernate says that store the data in database or manipulate the data in database through java object and also fatch from database through this object.

Exectly Means :- 

class Student{
	int rno;
	String Name;
	String Course;

Hibernate ORM

  1. Here hibernate actuly says that if you have to store the data in database you don’t need to write the sql query just pass the object remaning work implicitly will be happen.
  2. Hibernate also says you don’t need to store the result in resultset it will automatically store in java object.
  3. It also says you don’t need to write the connection code for database, just gives the RDBMS software name, database name, ID & Password and remaning work i will do.
  4. It also support the modification one time at one place remanning effact will be happen everywhere automatically.

Frequently Asked Questions

Key features of Hibernate ORM include:

  • Mapping Entities: Hibernate allows you to define Java classes (entities) that represent your data model. These entities are then mapped to corresponding database tables. Annotations or XML configuration can be used to define the mappings.
  • Automatic SQL Generation: Hibernate generates the necessary SQL statements (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) based on the entity mappings. This eliminates the need for writing manual SQL queries, making development more productive and less error-prone.
  • Lazy Loading and Eager Loading: Hibernate supports lazy loading, which means related objects are fetched from the database only when needed, reducing unnecessary data retrieval. Eager loading loads related objects along with the main object, which can help optimize certain use cases.
  • Transaction Management: Hibernate provides transaction management capabilities, allowing developers to manage transactions declaratively or programmatically. This ensures data consistency and integrity.
  • Query Language: Hibernate offers HQL (Hibernate Query Language) which is similar to SQL but operates on object-oriented entities instead of tables. HQL allows developers to express queries using entity properties and relationships.
  • Caching: Hibernate supports both first-level and second-level caching. First-level caching is session-specific and improves performance by caching retrieved entities. Second-level caching is shared across sessions and improves overall application performance.
  • Integration: Hibernate can be easily integrated with various application frameworks and Java EE containers.
  • Schema Generation: Hibernate can automatically generate database schema from your entity mappings. It also supports schema evolution as your application evolves.
  • Event Listeners: Hibernate provides event listeners that allow you to hook into various points of the object lifecycle, enabling customization and additional logic.
  • Connection Pooling: While not a core feature of Hibernate itself, it’s common to use connection pooling libraries (like C3P0 or HikariCP) alongside Hibernate to efficiently manage database connections.
Hibernate simplifies the process of working with databases in Java applications, abstracting many of the complexities involved in handling SQL and data persistence. It’s widely used in enterprise-level applications and projects where a solid and reliable data access layer is essential.

Oveall it reduce the 80% code of JDBC and that’s the reason it is the TOP tool of JDBC.

NOTE : Hibernate, ibatis and topslink works on the diffrent models there for we need to common solution to switch from one to other platform and that’s the rason JPA (Java Persistence API) concept included in hibernate.

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