How to create Music player with pure HTML, CSS, JS

create Music player,HTML,CSS,JS,MUSIC APP,
create Music player

Hello Developer, Now a days we’ll see, how we will without difficulty create a
music player using html, css and javascript. no different library. we’ve got a
clean operating slider in our home phase and we also have horizontal scrolling.
and the best part of this tune player is it minimizing music player. yes, you
may decrease and maximize the player itself. makes this mission an awesome track

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Write Code 

Before you start writing code first you create a folder and files then write a
music player code so without wasting your time let’s get started. 
Create Music Player File,how to create coding file,html,css,js
Create Music Player File

You can see we have a file name
index.html In This file contain our music HTML data. You can see below code and
write now. 

Open index.html and inside that launch by writing initial HTML structure.
Link Style.css file

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="./style.css">
Here is Music Player HTML file Now you see HTML code and write in your code editor.


<!-- -->
  <div class="player">
    <div class="player__header">
      <div class="player__img player__img--absolute slider">
        <button class="player__button player__button--absolute--nw playlist">
          <img src="" alt="playlist-icon">
        <button class="player__button player__button--absolute--center play">
          <img src="" alt="play-icon">
          <img src="" alt="pause-icon">
        <div class="slider__content">
          <img class="img slider__img" src="" alt="cover">
          <img class="img slider__img" src="" alt="cover">
          <img class="img slider__img" src="" alt="cover">
          <img class="img slider__img" src="" alt="cover">
          <img class="img slider__img" src="" alt="cover">
          <img class="img slider__img" src="" alt="cover">
          <img class="img slider__img" src="" alt="cover">
      <div class="player__controls">
        <button class="player__button back">
          <img class="img" src="" alt="back-icon">
        <p class="player__context slider__context">
          <strong class="slider__name"></strong>
          <span class="player__title slider__title"></span>
        <button class="player__button next">
          <img class="img" src="" alt="next-icon">
        <div class="progres">
          <div class="progres__filled"></div>
    <ul class="player__playlist list">
      <li class="player__song">
        <img class="player__img img" src="" alt="cover">
        <p class="player__context">
          <b class="player__song-name">no time</b>
          <span class="flex">
            <span class="player__title">lastlings</span>
            <span class="player__song-time"></span>
        <audio class="audio" src=""></audio>
      <li class="player__song">
        <img class="player__img img" src="" alt="cover">
        <p class="player__context">
          <b class="player__song-name">blinding lights</b>
          <span class="flex">
            <span class="player__title">the weeknd</span>
            <span class="player__song-time"></span>
        <audio class="audio" src=""></audio>
      <li class="player__song">
        <img class="player__img img" src="" alt="cover">
        <p class="player__context">
          <b class="player__song-name">Nice</b>
          <span class="flex">
            <span class="player__title">enrasta</span>
            <span class="player__song-time"></span>
        <audio class="audio" src=""></audio>
      <li class="player__song">
        <img class="player__img img" src="" alt="cover">
        <p class="player__context">
          <b class="player__song-name">a man</b>
          <span class="flex">
            <span class="player__title">travis scott</span>
            <span class="player__song-time"></span>
        <audio class="audio" src=""></audio>
      <li class="player__song">
        <img class="player__img img" src="" alt="cover">
        <p class="player__context ">
          <b class="player__song-name">unforgetting</b>
          <span class="flex">
            <span class="player__title">zaxx</span>
            <span class="player__song-time"></span>
        <audio class="audio" src=""></audio>
      <li class="player__song">
        <img class="player__img img" src="" alt="cover">
        <p class="player__context">
          <b class="player__song-name">waharan</b>
          <span class="flex">
            <span class="player__title">Randall</span>
            <span class="player__song-time"></span>
        <audio class="audio" src=""></audio>
      <li class="player__song">
        <img class="player__img img" src="" alt="cover">
        <p class="player__context ">
          <b class="player__song-name">starlight feat mr gabriel <span class="uppercase">4am</span> remix</b>
          <span class="flex">
            <span class="player__title">jai wolf</span>
            <span class="player__song-time"></span>
        <audio class="audio" src=""></audio>

Here is Music Player CSS file Now you see CSS code and write in your code editor


@import url('');

html {
    box-sizing: border-box ;
    --parent-height : 20em ;
    --duration: 1s ;
    --duration-text-wrap: 12s 1.5s cubic-bezier(0.82, 0.82, 1, 1.01) ;
    --cubic-header: var(--duration) cubic-bezier(0.71, 0.21, 0.3, 0.95) ;
    --cubic-slider : var(--duration) cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1) ;
    --cubic-play-list : .35s var(--duration) cubic-bezier(0, 0.85, 0.11, 1.64) ;
    --cubic-slider-context : cubic-bezier(1, -0.01, 1, 1.01) ;

html *,
html *::before,
html *::after {

    box-sizing: inherit ;
    scrollbar-width: none ;

    margin: 0 ;
    height: 100vh ;
    display: flex ;
    user-select: none ;
    align-items: center ;
    justify-content: center ;
    background-color: #e5e7e9 ;
    font-family: 'Quicksand', sans-serif ;
    -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent ;
    transition: background-color  var(--cubic-slider) ;


.img {

    width: 100% ;
    display: block ;
    object-fit: cover ;


.list {

    margin: 0 ;
    padding: 0 ;
    list-style-type: none ;


.flex {

    display: flex ;
    align-items: center ;
    justify-content: space-between ;


    text-transform: uppercase ;

.player {

    width: 17.15em ;
    display: flex ;
    overflow: hidden ;
    font-size: 1.22em ;
    border-radius: 1.35em ;
    flex-direction: column ;
    background-color: white ;
    height: var(--parent-height) ;


.player__header {

    z-index: 1 ;
    gap: 0 .4em ;
    width: 100% ;
    display: flex;
    height: 5.85em ;
    flex-shrink: 0 ;
    position: relative;
    align-items: flex-start ;
    border-radius: inherit ;
    justify-content: flex-end ;
    background-color: white  ;
    padding: .95em 0.6em 0 1.2em ;
    box-shadow: 0 2px 6px 1px #0000001f ;
    transition: height var(--cubic-header), box-shadow var(--duration), padding var(--duration) ease-in-out ;

} {

    height: 100% ;
    padding-left: 0 ;
    padding-right: 0 ;
    box-shadow: unset ;


.player__img {

    width: 3.22em ;
    height: 3.22em ;
    border-radius: 1.32em ;


.player__img--absolute {
    top: 1.4em ;
    left: 1.2em ;
    position: absolute ;

.slider {

    flex-shrink: 0 ;
    overflow: hidden ;
    transition: width var(--cubic-header), height var(--cubic-header), top var(--cubic-header), left var(--cubic-header);

    top: 0 ;
    left: 0 ;
    width: 100% ;
    height: 14.6em ;


.slider__content {

    display: flex ;
    height: 100% ;
    will-change : transform ;
    transition: transform var(--cubic-slider);


.slider__img {

    filter: brightness(75%) ;


.slider__title {
    overflow: hidden ;
    white-space: nowrap ;


.text-wrap {

    display: block ;
    white-space: pre ;
    width: fit-content ;
    animation: text-wrap var(--duration-text-wrap) infinite ;


@keyframes text-wrap {

        transform: translate3d(-51.5%, 0, 0) ;

        transform: translate3d(-51.5%, 0, 0) ;


.player__button {

    all: unset ;
    z-index: 100 ;
    width: 2.5em ;
    height: 2.5em ;
    cursor: pointer ;


.playlist {

    transform: scale(0) ;
    transition: transform calc(var(--duration) / 2) ;
} .playlist {

    transform: scale(1) ;
    transition: transform var(--cubic-play-list) ;


.player__button--absolute--nw {

    top: 5.5% ;
    left: 5.5% ;
    position: absolute ;

.player__button--absolute--center {
    top: 0 ;
    left: 0 ;
    right: 0 ;
    bottom: 0 ;
    margin: auto ;
    position: absolute ;


img[alt ="pause-icon"] {

    display: none ;

.player__controls {

    width: 77% ;
    gap: .5em 0 ;
    display: flex ;
    flex-wrap: wrap ;
    align-items: center ;
    will-change: contents ;
    align-content: center ;
    justify-content: center ;
    transition: transform var(--cubic-header) , width var(--cubic-header) ;


.player__controls.move {

    width: 88% ;
    transform: translate3d(-1.1em , calc(var(--parent-height) - 153%) , 0) ;

.player__context {

    margin: 0 ;
    width: 100% ;
    display: flex ;
    line-height: 1.8 ;
    flex-direction: column ;
    justify-content: center ;
    text-transform: capitalize ;


.slider__context {

    width: 56.28% ;
    cursor: pointer ;
    text-align: center ;
    padding-bottom: .2em ;
    will-change: contents ;
    transition: width var(--cubic-header) ;
    animation: calc(var(--duration) / 2) var(--cubic-slider-context) ;


@keyframes opacity {

    0% {

        opacity: 0 ;



        opacity: 1 ;



.player__controls.move .slider__context{
    width: 49.48% ;


.player__title {

    font-size: .7em ;
    font-weight: bold ;
    color: #00000086 ;


.progres {

    width: 90% ;
    height: .25em ;
    cursor: pointer ;
    border-radius: 1em ;
    touch-action : none ;
    background-color: #e5e7ea ;
    transition: width var(--cubic-header) ;


.player__controls.move .progres{

    width: 98% ;

.progres__filled {

    width: 0% ;
    height: 100% ;
    display: flex ;
    position: relative ;
    align-items: center ;
    border-radius: inherit ;
    background-color: #78adfe ;

.progres__filled::before {

    right: 0 ;
    width: .35em ;
    content: " " ;
    height: .35em ;
    border-radius: 50% ;
    position: absolute ;
    background-color: #5781bd ;

.player__playlist {

    height: 100% ;
    overflow: auto ;   
    padding: 1.05em .9em 0 1.2em ; 


.player__playlist::-webkit-scrollbar {
    width: 0 ;


.player__song {

/*     gap: 0 .65em ; */
    display: flex ;
    cursor: pointer ;
    margin-bottom: .5em ;
    padding-bottom: .7em ;
    border-bottom: .1em solid #d8d8d859 ;


.player__song .player__context {

    line-height: 1.5 ;
    margin-left: .65em ;


.player__song-name {

    font-size: .88em ;


.player__song-time {

    font-size: .65em ;
    font-weight: bold ;
    color: #00000079 ; 
    height: fit-content ;
    align-self: flex-end ;


.audio {

    display: none !important ;

Link script.js file in html before writing javascript code

    <script  src="./script.js"></script>

Open script.js and inside that launch by writing the initial JavaScript structure. Simultaneously link script.js file

Here is Music Player Javascript file Now you see js code and write in your code editor.


// Designed by:  InsideCode.Org

"use strict";

// add elemnts
const bgBody = ["#e5e7e9", "#ff4545", "#f8ded3", "#ffc382", "#f5eda6", "#ffcbdc", "#dcf3f3"];
const body = document.body;
const player = document.querySelector(".player");
const playerHeader = player.querySelector(".player__header");
const playerControls = player.querySelector(".player__controls");
const playerPlayList = player.querySelectorAll(".player__song");
const playerSongs = player.querySelectorAll(".audio");
const playButton = player.querySelector(".play");
const nextButton = player.querySelector(".next");
const backButton = player.querySelector(".back");
const playlistButton = player.querySelector(".playlist");
const slider = player.querySelector(".slider");
const sliderContext = player.querySelector(".slider__context");
const sliderName = sliderContext.querySelector(".slider__name");
const sliderTitle = sliderContext.querySelector(".slider__title");
const sliderContent = slider.querySelector(".slider__content");
const sliderContentLength = playerPlayList.length - 1;
const sliderWidth = 100;
let left = 0;
let count = 0;
let song = playerSongs[count];
let isPlay = false;
const pauseIcon = playButton.querySelector("img[alt = 'pause-icon']");
const playIcon = playButton.querySelector("img[alt = 'play-icon']");
const progres = player.querySelector(".progres");
const progresFilled = progres.querySelector(".progres__filled");
let isMove = false;

// creat functions
function openPlayer() {


function closePlayer() {


function next(index) {
    count = index || count;

    if (count == sliderContentLength) {
        count = count;

    left = (count + 1) * sliderWidth;
    left = Math.min(left, (sliderContentLength) * sliderWidth); = `translate3d(-${left}%, 0, 0)`;


function back(index) {
    count = index || count;

    if (count == 0) {
        count = count;
    left = (count - 1) * sliderWidth;
    left = Math.max(0, left); = `translate3d(-${left}%, 0, 0)`;


function changeSliderContext() { = "opacity";
    sliderName.textContent = playerPlayList[count].querySelector(".player__title").textContent;
    sliderTitle.textContent = playerPlayList[count].querySelector(".player__song-name").textContent;
    if (sliderName.textContent.length > 16) {
        const textWrap = document.createElement("span");
        textWrap.className = "text-wrap";
        textWrap.innerHTML = sliderName.textContent + "   " + sliderName.textContent;  
        sliderName.innerHTML = "";

    if (sliderTitle.textContent.length >= 18) {
        const textWrap = document.createElement("span");
        textWrap.className = "text-wrap";
        textWrap.innerHTML = sliderTitle.textContent + "    " + sliderTitle.textContent;  
        sliderTitle.innerHTML = "";


function changeBgBody() { = bgBody[count];

function selectSong() {

    song = playerSongs[count];

    for (const item of playerSongs) {

        if (item != song) {
            item.currentTime = 0;


    if (isPlay);

function run() {

function playSong() {

    if (song.paused) {; = "none"; = "block";

        isPlay = false; = ""; = "";


function progresUpdate() {

    const progresFilledWidth = (this.currentTime / this.duration) * 100 + "%"; = progresFilledWidth;

    if (isPlay && this.duration == this.currentTime) {
    if (count == sliderContentLength && song.currentTime == song.duration) { = "block"; = "";
        isPlay = false;

function scurb(e) {

    // If we use e.offsetX, we have trouble setting the song time, when the mousemove is running
    const currentTime = ( (e.clientX - progres.getBoundingClientRect().left) / progres.offsetWidth ) * song.duration;
    song.currentTime = currentTime;


function durationSongs() {

    let min = parseInt(this.duration / 60);
    if (min < 10) min = "0" + min;

    let sec = parseInt(this.duration % 60);
    if (sec < 10) sec = "0" + sec;
    const playerSongTime = `${min}:${sec}`;



// add events
sliderContext.addEventListener("click", openPlayer);
sliderContext.addEventListener("animationend", () => ='');
playlistButton.addEventListener("click", closePlayer);

nextButton.addEventListener("click", () => {

backButton.addEventListener("click", () => {

playButton.addEventListener("click", () => {
    isPlay = true;

playerSongs.forEach(song => {
    song.addEventListener("loadeddata" , durationSongs);
    song.addEventListener("timeupdate" , progresUpdate);

progres.addEventListener("pointerdown", (e) => {
    isMove = true;

document.addEventListener("pointermove", (e) => {
    if (isMove) {
        song.muted = true;

document.addEventListener("pointerup", () => {
    isMove = false;
    song.muted = false;

playerPlayList.forEach((item, index) => {

    item.addEventListener("click", function() {

        if (index > count) {
            next(index - 1);
        if (index < count) {
            back(index + 1);


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