How to Connect C++ to SQL Database using ODBC | C / C++ ODBC app accessing an SQL database

In this article we are going to know about how to  establish a connection between C++ and an SQL database, you’ll need to use a library that provides the necessary functions and classes for connecting to and interacting with the database. One popular library for this purpose is called “ODBC” (Open Database Connectivity). ODBC allows … Read more

How to create a Notepad App with Tkinter in Python? [ Full Project ]

Notepad is a simple and widely-used text editor, and with the help of the Tkinter module in Python, we can build our own version. Tkinter provides an easy-to-use interface for creating graphical user interfaces (GUIs). The provided code is an implementation of a basic text editor using the Tkinter library in Python. Let’s go through … Read more

Youtube Videos Downloader Source code Using HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Blogger, the popular platform for creating and publishing blogs, has revolutionized the way people share information and connect with others online. Similarly, YouTube, the world’s largest video-sharing platform, has become an essential source of information and entertainment. Bloggers often embed YouTube videos in their blog posts to enhance their content, but what if they want … Read more