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SMS Spamming Tool command for Termux

2min4 edited

pkg install git python
pip install requests
git clone https://github.com/MrHarshArora/CyberGhostWeapon-SMS.git
cd CyberGhostWeapon-SMS
chmod +x sms.py
python3 sms.py
The commands in the snippet perform the following actions.
  • pkg install git python: Installs Git and Python packages.
  • pip install requests: Installs the Requests library for Python.
  • git clone https://github.com/MrHarshArora/CyberGhostWeapon-SMS.git: Clones the repository from the specified URL.
  • cd CyberGhostWeapon-SMS: Changes the current directory to the cloned repository.
  • chmod +x sms.py: Gives execute permissions to the sms.py script.
  • python3 sms.py: Runs the sms.py script using Python 3.

Please make sure you have the necessary permissions and internet connectivity for the installation and execution of these commands.

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